
Is Having Self-esteem Important for a Christian?  

This blog was first published on the Australian Christian Lobby website.

In a day and age when self-esteem is seen as a necessary aid to mental health, it’s good to consider the question as to whether having a good self-esteem is important for a Christian.  

When Jesus says that the second commandment of the law is like the first – “You shall love your neighbour as yourself”-  clearly He is implying that we are to love and esteem ourselves. And so, we must conclude that good self-esteem is proper for the Christian, and even necessary.  

BUT, this is not a self-esteem that’s all about having a good, positive self-image, regarding ourselves as capable, significant, successful, and worthy. Or of a sense of personal worthiness, as the feeling of ‘I am good’, or a sense of  feeling good about yourself because you’ve been working hard. Neither is it talking about a feeling of, ‘I am worthy’, ‘I am me, and I am good, ‘Cause “God don’t make no junk!”’ Well, God didn’t make junk, to be sure. But creation is not the whole story in the history of mankind. There is also the fall. And whilst human beings did not become junk in the fall, they did become rebellious sinners. The bible tells us that even our righteousness is like filthy rags in God’s holy sight (Isaiah 64:6).  

In and of ourselves, we are nothing to be esteemed. But there is a proper, positive, Christian self-esteem. Through his grace, Jesus gifts all who repent of their sins and believe in him, a positive self-esteem that far exceeds any worldly concept of self-esteem. 

If you are truly a Christian, then you are:  

Importantly, a proper self-esteem extends to the physical body of a Christian as well as the soul. You are: 

God has ordained each day of your life “before one of them came to be” (Psalm 139:16). God knows all about you. Even “the very hairs of your head are all numbered” (Luke 12:7), and with that full knowledge of you, God chooses to love you.  

The love that God has for you and me means that we should never be discontented about any aspect of our circumstances.

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